Friday, May 13, 2016

North Carolina's Controversial Bill

People who are fighting against the NC H2 Bill, do you even know how this all began?  Do you think Pat McCrory came up with this on his own?

Charlotte created a law allowing any man to be able to go into any woman's restroom and any woman can go into any man's restroom.  This was to "protect" transgender so they can use the restroom of their choice.  However, the law allowed non-transgender to go into any restroom they wanted as well.  It doesn't matter.  Were transgender being persecuted in Charlotte?  No.  They had been able to go into any restroom they were allowed at the discretion of the restroom owner.  Many transgender look like the gender they want to be rather than the gender they were born so no one would question them when they went into the restroom of their choice.

Look at all the places coming out in support of transgender in North Carolina.  If I can find this article I will link it.  There was an article where a transgender mapped out all the transgender friendly restrooms in North Carolina.  There were plenty on that list.  Why did Charlotte think a law had to be created to make sure these people got to use the restroom of their preferred gender?

One argument I see all the time is that we only use restroom for the toilet.  The toilet is a major function of the restroom, but that's not all it is used for.  If you need to fix your clothes you go to a restroom.  People use them as changing rooms or dressing rooms.  You may use it to change a baby's diaper or take medicine or fix your makeup or wash your hands…it doesn't matter.  My niece's dance school uses public restrooms to change into dance costumes before recitals.  Under Charlotte's law a man is allowed into the restroom while these girls are changing.  If we fight to get him out we could get in trouble, not him.

But, that's not going to happen, people say.  But, it has happened in Washington and Canada.  You want to create a law to prevent LGBT discrimination before it happens why not create a law to prevent rape and molestation before it happens?  It's not the LGBT that are going to be the ones raping and molesting or taking dirty pictures (or even just staring perversely at the opposite gender).  It's the non-LGBT pervs using the wording of the law to their own advantage.   The exact wording of a law is very important.  Charlotte's words should absolutely not be on the books.

The H2 Bill says something about using the restroom corresponding to the gender on your birth certificate. According to this link: transgender can get their gender changed to the gender they identify with on their birth certificate.  Are you going to ask to see someone's birth certificate before allowing them to use the restroom?  I think if you do that's some indication you might be a jerk.  You're going to look at how the person looks and like I said, most transgender look like the gender they want to identify with, of the restroom to which they want to use.

LGBT rights were never harmed in any way.  Charlotte had no reason to create a law because no one was being denied anything.   If they hadn't created the law, the governor's office would not have created their law, and transgender would still be able to use whatever restroom they wanted, the one of the gender they associate with rather than the gender they were born with. 

The NC H2 Bill didn't come out of the blue.  It was a response to Charlotte's bill that came out of the blue.  In my honest opinion this whole entire thing is one huge mess that's costing us money and time.

I'm not here to argue over anything LGBT.  This isn't about what rights transgenders should have or what my religion says about all this.  I'm here to say that no one's rights were denied, especially to the point that Charlotte had to come up with a law to protect transgender.  Transgender restrooms rights were not in jeopardy.  They did not need the protecting that started all this mess.  Of course, the only way I can know this is if it became news or passed through word-of-mouth.  I live in South Carolina.  We get North Carolina news here.  I also visit North Carolina frequently with family living there and my dad working in Charlotte.  No one talked about transgender being denied restroom privileges and it never made the news.  Yes, LGBT issues do make the news so you can't go with the idea they didn't want to cover it.  Oh no, that would have been hugely covered.  The only thing I can think is that it was not a problem, at least not at the scale that warranted this kind of action.  

To those boycotting North Carolina, do you know why you are boycotting the state?  Do you know what you are defending and who you are opposing?  Are you just doing it because this is the hip new PC thing to do?  I ask you to do your own research and truly understand the entire situation before making a decision.  What is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular.  Remember that.  Just because you are a liberal doesn't mean you just blindly follow the leading liberal cause of the day.  Same thing goes with conservatives.  No one should blindly follow anything.  I bet only a small percentage against the H2 bill knew gender could be changed on a birth certificate.  Do your research.

ETA: Boy Meets World had a co-ed bathroom in their college dorm.  It did sort of sound kind of cool until you got to the shower part.  Unless you wear your bathing suit or take a shower with clothes on you are naked in that shower.  You can't really keep your towel in the shower without it getting wet so you'll have to reach out of the stall for that towel.  Unless you get dressed in the shower stall, which is a possibility but not everyone does it, you will be walking around with a towel on or maybe even entertaining the idea of walking around naked.  I'm about as modest as it comes so I'm not okay with that in front of females, my own gender.  Men and women have the chance to see each other naked or in other compromising ways.  I would be Cory, afraid to use the shower because of the opposite gender, not so much they would do something to me, but what they would see of me and what I would see of them.  I'm not sexually repressed and I do love men, but that doesn't mean I want to see every guy's privates or have any see mine.

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