Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Video: "More of You" by Colton Dixon

I don't really watch American Idol anymore, but I did use to watch it regularly.  I think the last great contestant I really enjoyed was Colton Dixon.  He was an amazing rocker.  It killed me when he did "Everything" by Lifehouse (which is one of my favorite Lifehouse songs).  But, that song got him eliminated!  When he sang his swan song, he turned the lyrics to God (I do believe that the song already has Christian undertones).  My mom and I shared a look, like wow.  It's one thing to be Christian, but on a national stage like American Idol it's another to come out and sing Christian.  He did that.  He didn't win the show, but he proved himself.  Now, he has a career in Christian rock and I'm loving it.

And since I can I present you Colton Dixon's "Everything" performance on AI and his final performance after being eliminated.

(BTW, he has nothing to apologize for.  That was a beautiful rendition of the song).

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