Sunday, December 4, 2011

30 Day Harry Potter Challenge: Most Beautiful Character

Most Beautiful Character

I  missed posting yesterday.  My internet was wonky, so I didn't bother.  I am making up for it today with two posts.

I think the most beautiful character in the story is Lily Evans Potter.  She sacrifices her life for her son.  She's also, I believed, described as being pretty.  She's a sweet soul.

What do we know about her?

She was born a Muggle with one older sister.  She became friends with Severus Snape and when her sister found out about her magic skills began resenting her.  She attended Hogwarts and caught the eye of one James Potter, but she didn't like him back.  Snape called her a dirty word and was hanging out with people she didn't like so she ended her friendship with him.  Eventually, she fell in love with James.  After Hogwarts, she joined the Order of the Phoenix, married James, gave birth to Harry, went into hiding, named Sirius her son's godfather, and sacrificed herself so Voldemort would not kill her son.

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